No Rules!

I was in a place of busines waiting in line for service. Partway up in the long line stood a young man who frequently shifted back and forth on his feet, frequently turning and talking animatedly to the people around him. Finally, when I was able to better see him, I noticed the bold letters on his T-shirt which proclaimed: THERE ARE NO RULES!

A few minutes of seeing and hearing his raucous, obnoxious behavior convinced me that he was trying in earnest not to obey any more rules than he had to. He was fed up with rules.

The rest of the day I pondered those word, “There are no rules!” and and how typical it is of our society. People imagine that freedom and fun come by ignoring rules, doing your own thing, and having your own way.

The longer I thought about that T-shirt, the more I began to realize the incongruity, yes, the inconsistency of such a statement. How could anyone really declare, “I don’t obey any rules”? I dare say that the young T-shirt where did not realize how dependent he was on rules. The trip through town that morning would have been exceedingly difficult without traffic rules. Life would be precarious if lawlessness and disorder reigned in society. If pressed on the point, I imagine the young man would confess to appre­ciation for some rules.

Perhaps the T-shirt message was speaking of certain kinds of rules. It may have been speak­ing of moral restraints or parental rules or perhaps school regulations. I doubt if the young wearer had seriously considered how much he has benefited from even those rules. The order and comparative safety that many of us enjoy in our society exists, as least in part, because there are plenty of rules to insure it.

I’m glad, aren’t you, that just because some­one makes a bold statement does not mean it is true? People have made rash statements before. Some have declared, “The world is flat,” or “Man will never reach the moon, or even “There is no God.” Of course, their statements don’t make these things true.

The Bible makes it clear that there are rules and the purpose of such rules. God has created the universe to run by a set of rules we sometimes call “mother nature” or “natural laws.” He also created rules to guide society and to encourage law and order. The Ten Commandmens are rules that order our relationship with God and man.

The New Testament says: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). Now that is the positive side of rules! The rules in God’s Word, and the rest of His Word as well, show us what is right, show us where we are wrong, and give us the wisdom to know what to do about it.

If we surrender our lives to God through His Son Jesus Christ, we will not find God’s rules a drudgery but will willingly submit to them realizing they are for our good and the blessing of the world around us. Through surrender to Jesus Christ, we will find obedience to God’s rules s wonderful experience. We will do it willingly.

Yes, there are rules! I am glad there are, aren’t you?

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