Category Archives: Issue 60

Issue #60 of Reaching Out Magazine

The Case for Separation

Biblical separation is possibly the most neglected teaching in Christianity today, especially in the West. Through sheer neglect (or unbelief), the life of the Christian is reinvented as being a mere statement of belief apart from any change of life, or relationship to a world of ungodliness. The Gospel is reduced to this: “One accepts Jesus into his heart. God forgives. Heaven is sure. That’s it.” But nothing has changed. The new Christianity does not usher in the divine grace of transformation that breaks the old sin patterns and brings forth a life ordered by God. Instead, it has invented a divine blindfold, where God no longer sees the sin of the Christian.

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Was God Dead?

In the middle 1960s the religious world was shaken with an old teaching in new garb. This teaching was called the death-of-God theology. Theological swamis from various liberal church groups began proclaiming, “God is dead.” Many blindly followed their confusing signals. Many who would not dare follow the death-of-God theology quoted from the theologians who contributed to it. For example. Paul Tillich, a liberal theologian of those days was at best a pantheist, almost an atheist. Others loved to quote the German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, whose ideas at least helped create a climate favorable to the notion that God is dead.

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