Category Archives: Issue 49

Issue #49 of Reaching Out Magazine

Divine Holiness

Based on actual experiences

John and Deborah (not their real names) listened attentively as the guest speaker spoke from the Bible. He read from Mark 10: 2-12. He emphasized the fact that Jesus came to restore the original design of marriage that God designed at Creation. Jesus taught that marriage is the joining of heart and hand of one man and one woman in a oneflesh relationship until the death of one or the other. Breaking that bond by either party and marrying another is adultery.

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Heretical Reasoning-The Da Vinci Code

“There be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ” (Galatians 1:7)

The latest piece of presumed “superior scholarship” defaming God, His Christ, and the Bible, is a movie released last summer called the Da Vinci Code. The book version has been on the New York Times best-seller list since its release in 2003. The reception of such heresy in our society is revealing—it is also a best-seller in 150 other countries. The book defames Jesus’ character and says Mary Magdalene bore children to Him. It says Jesus never intended to be God and accuses the disciples of cover-up plots to make Jesus look divine. The Bible is accused of having “glaring historical discrepancies and fabrications.” The book is fiction but conveys an aura of factuality. A statement in the beginning of the book says, “Fact: All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate.”

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