Category Archives: Issue 48

Issue #48 of Reaching Out Magazine

In Times Like These

Today’s world is a far cry from what it used to be, even ten years ago. With all the modern conveniences and inventions, we are engaged in a race that we cannot stop. Society is caught up in an endless circle some call the “rat race.” People buy everything they see to make life easier and then have to work day in and day out to pay for it. One commentator says we’ve got a bear by the tail and cannot let loose. For instance, the auto has made travel much easier and faster, but at the same time, it has caused a huge pollution problem.

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The Poison of Pornography

One of the secret sins of America that has come out of the closet and into the limelight of national attention is pornography. The word pornography comes from two Greek words. One of them is porneia which is used in the Greek New Testament and is translated fornication (sexual immorality, especially between the unmarried). The last part of the word comes from the Greek graphein which means “to write.” So pornography is literature which fosters immorality. Today it includes magazines, books, pictures, tapes, films, and virtual reality shows and games that portray immorality.

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The Bankrupting of Salvation

Martin Luther regained the vision of justification by faith, a Biblically sound term. However, the late notable apologist, Francis Schaeffer, interpreted this as salvation being received by “faith plus nothing” or by “empty hands of faith.” The Bible also conveys the truth of imputed righteousness. A well-known evangelical leader mistakenly describes this imputed righteousness as the good works that Jesus did, being deposited to the account of the one who believes. (We will deal with imputed righteousness later.)

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