Category Archives: Issue 45

Issue #45 of Reaching Out Magazine

Do All Roads Lead to God?

What the learned Professor of the School of Religion in one of our State Universities believes is that “all roads that lead to God are good.” People have traveled every road under the sun of human experience and have justified their course by insisting that they were “worshipping God.” Indeed, what claims have not been associated with God! Much that people call “god” is not God.

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The Marriage Commitment

Part 2

Here are the marriage vows for a bride: “Will you in the presence of God and these witnesses, take _____ to be your wedded husband, will you love and cherish him, in health and in sickness, in prosperity and adversity, share with him the joys and sorrows of life, exercise patience, kindness, and forbearance toward him, and live with him in peace as becometh a faithful Christian wife and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live.”

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The Dilemma of Atheism


Some Christian writers and thinkers claim that no one knows enough facts about nature to rule out the existence of God. The argument goes like this: At best, one may know a mere fraction (less than 1%) of everything there is to know of the natural world. We don’t know how many grains of sand are on even one beach in Florida. We don’t know the sheer volume of oxygen in the air. We don’t know how many groundhogs and water snakes are in Wisconsin, etc. So (the argument goes) the atheist would need to know everything about everything in nature, to prove that God does not exist (The evidence for God could be found in what he doesn’t know).

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Dare I Trust the Bible?

Some years ago, the Vatican published a 125-page document critical of the literal interpretation of the Scriptures. The document warns that “the fundamentalist approach is dangerous, for it is attractive to people who look to the Bible for ready answers to the problems of life.” Tho emphasis of the Vatican statement was that since fallible men wrote the Scriptures, there has to be some discrepancy between what God really said and what was finally written down for our benefit. Of course, the church was happy to supply the “missing link” between what the Scriptures say, and what God must have meant. The document was aimed at fundamentalist groups which have been making headway in converting Catholics throughout Latin America. But everyone—Catholics, fundamentalists, and the rest of us—should be shocked at the arrogance that sets any human authority above the Word of God.

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